Our Medical Specialists, located at Archview Medical Center, are committed to providing quality healthcare to all patients in an integrated approach in one convenient location:
Archview Medical Center is located at 2071 Goose Lake Road in Sauget, just off Interstate 255 at exit 15, Mousette Lane.
What is a referral and why is it needed? Due to the complexity of your condition, a “referral” MAY be required from your primary care physician (PCP). Call our medical clinic, and we can help determine whether your insurance requires a referral or not.
Can I bring my child for my appointment? Visitor restrictions due to COVID-19 are currently in place. No visitors are allowed, including children or adults. A minor patient is allowed a parent/guardian with them.
Is there a co-pay or charge for my visit? Co-pays are determined by your health insurance plan. All co-pays are required to be paid at the time of your visit. Co-pays are not billed. Please contact your health insurance plan for more information.
What if I don’t have insurance or the money to pay? How can I be seen? Archview Medical Specialists participate in a financial assistance program offered through Touchette. Patients can apply depending on financial need. A co-pay is required for each visit, and some services may not qualify under the program.
Do you offer transportation? Yes, transportation services through Touchette are available to patients within our service area. The program is free for patients who need rides to medical appointments, wellness visits, and health education programs.
For more information, please call us at 618.857.2700.