
Taking Steps Towards Suicide Prevention

September 10, 2020

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, which makes this the perfect time to talk about how we’re feeling and how to reach out to others. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, estimated 48,344 deaths occurred in the United States from suicide in 2018.

Suicide is a serious public health problem that causes immeasurable pain, suffering, and loss to individuals, families, and communities nationwide. The causes of suicide are complex and determined by multiple factors, such as mental illness, substance abuse, painful losses, exposure to violence, and social isolation. 

If you know someone in crisis or displaying the warning signs of suicide, please take action because every step taken can help save a life.  The five fundamental steps to put into action when helping someone in crisis are as follows.


Asking the question “Are you thinking about suicide?” communicates that you’re open to speaking about suicide in a non-judgmental and supportive way. Asking in this direct, unbiased manner, can open the door for effective dialogue about their emotional pain and can allow everyone involved to see what next steps need to be taken.


This could mean being physically present for someone, speaking with them on the phone when you can, or any other way that shows support for the person at risk. An important aspect of this step is to make sure you follow through with the ways in which you say you’ll be able to support the person – do not commit to anything you are not willing or able to accomplish. If you are unable to be physically present with someone with thoughts of suicide, talk with them to develop some ideas for others who might be able to help as well (again, only others who are willing, able, and appropriate to be there). Listening is again very important during this step – find out who they believe will be the most effective sources of help.


First of all, it’s good for everyone to be on the same page. After the “Ask” step and you’ve determined suicide is indeed being talked about, it’s important to find out a few things to establish immediate safety. Have they already done anything to try to kill themselves before talking with you? Does the person experiencing thoughts of suicide know how they would kill themselves? Do they have a specific, detailed plan? What’s the timing for their plan? What sort of access to do they have to their planned method?


Helping someone with thoughts of suicide connect with support (like the Lifeline, 800-273-8255 or our intake line 618-332-4038) can help them establish a safety net for those moments they find themselves in a crisis. Additional components of a safety net might be connecting them with supports and resources in their communities like our Behavioral Health and Wellness program here at Touchette Regional Hospital. Explore some of these possible supports with them – are they currently seeing a mental health professional? Have they in the past? Is this an option for them currently? Are there other mental health resources in the community that can effectively help?


After your initial contact with a person experiencing thoughts of suicide and after you’ve connected them with the immediate support systems they need, make sure to follow-up with them to see how they’re doing. Leave a message, send a text, or give them a call. The follow-up step is a great time to check in with them to see if there is more you are capable of helping with or if there are things you’ve said you would do and haven’t yet had the chance to get done for the person.

Everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide.  Probably the hardest thing for each of us to do is ask for help, but it’s important to recognize that we’re not alone.  A listening ear can often ease your or someone else’s mental anguish. And remember, if you feel like you’re at the end of your rope, just ask for help.  Make plans with a friend, family member, or set up an appointment with a counselor. There are plenty of people, organizations, and services available to help you when and how you need it.

At Touchette Regional Hospital, our compassionate behavioral healthcare staff is available when you need us. Maintaining your mental health is critically important to your overall well-being. Mental health problems touch everyone in all walks of life - it doesn’t discriminate. We can help you if and when you need us. To learn more about our behavioral health and wellness services, click here.
