
Staying on Top of Your Breast Health

October 2, 2018

Since October is breast cancer awareness month, we wanted to share a few tips about breast health while highlighting the services provided for women through the START NOW Breast & Cervical Cancer Awareness program.

Keeping a watchful eye is extremely important when it comes to breast health. Any time you notice a change – whether it be in the form of skin discoloration, unusual skin texture, bump or lump – you should quickly address it with your healthcare provider. Even if it turns out to be nothing, your provider will be grateful that you are being proactive in monitoring changes to your body. This diligence can certainly help in preventing a serious issue before it turns into a health emergency.

Regular screening is just as important as vigilant monitoring. Adult women should have annual mammograms to ensure there are no underlying problems. While we understand this is not the most enjoyable or comfortable process, it commonly leads to early breast cancer detection while the disease is isolated and treatable. The earlier it is detected, the higher the likelihood of successful treatment. Further, it is not uncommon for providers to advise men to undergo a mammogram. While we commonly associate breast cancer with women, it is also a disease that can affect men as well.

There are a number of simple changes that can reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. These include steering clear of alcohol, not smoking, controlling your weight, staying active for at least 30 minutes each day, breastfeeding, limiting the dosage and duration of hormone therapy and staying away from pollution and radiation.

Are you aware of any family history involving breast cancer? Talk with your healthcare provider about your family history to gain a better understanding of whether or not you have a high risk of developing breast cancer. There are preventative actions, screening plans and medications that can be implemented now to help mitigate your risk.You’ll find the entire month of October is filled with information and campaigns by organizations that are dedicated to raising awareness for breast cancer. If you find that your friends and family are still in the dark about this important topic, talk about it. While it may be uncomfortable to discuss, raising awareness only increases a loved one’s knowledge of this disease and how it can be detected.

At Touchette Regional Hospital, we are proud to provide the START Now Breast & Cervical Cancer Awareness Program. This community-based program focuses on providing breast cancer education and patient navigation services in St. Clair, Madison and Clinton counties. START NOW is grant-funded in part through Susan G. Komen Missouri and the Avon Breast Cancer Crusader Foundation. Because of these generous grants, we are able to serve anyone regardless of income or ability to pay. You can learn more about the program by clicking here or by calling 618.332.6130.