Struggling With Addiction?

We Offer Medical Stabilization Services

Touchette Regional Hospital’s withdrawal management services provide safe inpatient treatment with compassionate staff and an individualized treatment plan.


Our services treat those experiencing addictions including 

  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Opioids
  • Combined Substances
  • Prescription Medications

*No methadone


While in our care the patient will receive

Caring and Compassionate Medical Care

Medical Interventions to Assist with Managing Withdrawal Symptoms

Substance Abuse Counseling

Individual, Group, and Family Therapy




Don’t Go Through Withdrawal Alone

Referrals to the Medical Stabilization program are made through the Emergency Department.

Referrals received through the 24-hour intake hotline (618-332-4038) are also referred to the ED for medical screening.